Pastor Imprisoned, Treated Like Enemy Combatant
Plus J.K. Rowling, trans-mania, and beleaguered kids (#ThreeThoughtThursday)
Today, we are doing another a throwback edition of #ThreeThoughtThursday. It is easy to forget yesterday’s mania in the face of today’s. But there are some things we should never forget…
Never forget…
What police, politicians, prisons, and apparatchiks did to Pastor Artur Pawlowski
Remember this?
Pastor Artur Pawlowski became something of a sensation for taking this brave stand. But do you know what happened to him later? Watch (under 2 mins):
Cold concrete. Stripped naked. Metal box. Beatings instigated by guards. Solitary confinement. Stuck in gen-pop with murderers. Mental torture.
What should happen to the police who arrested him? Do they have no responsibility for discerning between good orders and bad orders?
What should happen to the politicians? The “inspectors”? The prison guards?
The word “Nuremberg” keeps springing to mind. And that is as charitable as I can be.
Never forget…
Just how nutty they really are.
Everyone has that moment when “peak insanity” really sinks in. This, from back in 2023, was one such moment for me. I laughed for five minutes straight, until my lungs hurt!
JK Rowling's name REMOVED from Harry Potter novels over 'transphobic' views
JK Rowling's name is being removed from the front covers of Harry Potter books over accusations of transphobia.
Bookbinder and artist Laur Flom, 23, replaces the covers of the books and charges customers £140 to purchase her versions of the novels. The originals sell for around £8 online.
Laur wanted to create a “safe space” for fans after comments made by JK Rowling on transgender people…
I do have a (partial) explanation for why the left is so insane on the trans issue. And, I have some advice on the stand we should take.
But in the meantime, that stuff is just funny right there.
Never forget…
The challenges faced by our children and grandchildren
This chart was going around in ‘23 as well. It doesn’t have sources, but indpendent research can largely confirm its overall thrust:
We who are middle-aged and older do what every other generation of oldsters has done since time immemorial: bitch about “damn kids” and how their generation doesn’t know squat, blah blah blah. And to an extent, we’d be right.
But this generation is also faced with technologies that no human has ever had to deal with, and those technologies are clearly having a negative effect. Who among us older adults would have done any better in their shoes?
Never forget the challenges today’s kids face.
Great article Christopher. I followed Pawlowski's situation from the start. PSYCHOTIC AND DISGUSTING! It clearly illustrates what the Canadian government and most governments are: EXTORTIONIST THUGS WHO HIDE BEHIND BS LAWS!
And remember Amos Miller? I think he continues to battle the courts over his right to provide raw milk to his Amish community.